Uncategorized/Demystifying Holy Spirit

Demystifying Holy Spirit

Suggested Donation: $30.00

Minimum Donation: $30.00

SKU: SCI00074 Category:

As a believer, you have a powerful advantage: Holy Spirit. But many of us go our entire lives unaware of who He is.
It doesn’t help that there are plenty of misunderstandings surrounding Him. Some might see Holy Spirit as being spooky or weird. Others have simply never understood His role. Yet this relationship with Holy Spirit is foundational to the life of a believer.
In this three-part series, Leon will demystify Holy Spirit and cut through common misbeliefs. Learn how to tap into God’s presence within you and receive His guidance in your everyday life. As you get to know Holy Spirit personally, you’ll begin to access His miraculous ability and strength like never before!

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